i liked it
i mean, the animation could of been better, but it was a cute song with some history.
i liked it
i mean, the animation could of been better, but it was a cute song with some history.
not bad
a fall of that height would not come close to killing a roach.
Talking roaches immediately takes away the realism from the animation. But thanks for the input.
i very much enjoy watching these, whether true or not. sounds more to me like spirit theory, but wutever.
Question: if thoth and his buddies were so awesome, why did they let the martians dick around like that? sounds like they wanted Atlantis to fall so they could have a reason to experiment with people lives.
They didn't let the martians do it, they just did it. :P With or without permission, probably without
but many of the scenes were laboriously slow. you really need to work on your timing. funny concept tho.
that was funny.
usually when i write lol i don't actually laugh out loud, this time, however, i did.
real good
the biggest breakthru of my life came when i realized that all girls are the same and there is no point in crying like a little bitch.
i liked how the brown spot on the pear was like his beard stubble.
as if
as if a language needed to be that complicated, why not just be a regular language like american?
full marks
easy to read characters, brilliant effects, fun colors and it all comes together in the end. you can taste the effort involved.
Joined on 5/7/11