its pretty good and stuff, but i can't read the word at all.
its pretty good and stuff, but i can't read the word at all.
yeah i thought of that after i finished i guess there's a reason to do it again next year then. ;)
i don't really like the composition, but the texture is very well done.
i like the use of texture, but don't really like the pose. he seems off balance.
maybe we are just looking at a snapshot taken during the middle of a pelvic thrust.
i always wished i had bioluminescence. but no matter how hard i try, my butt won't light up.
Try glow-sticks, that might work.
cool story bro.
Glad you enjoyed :)
i like the character design and the expressions are very appropriate.
the background is well done, but i think it lacks the alien quality that the figures have. it looks like they are in a national park in north america.
I like your work, but you have very poor naming conventions.
there are three things I particularly like about this.
1) its epic.
2) his crotch pipe.
3) look out! that robot has a knife!
it's a fool looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart.
Searching for love, when you don't even realize that you're surrounded by it =]
Joined on 5/7/11